Bye Bye 2009, Welcome 2010!

Another year has gone by. 2009 sped away; like the gusty winds of North Carolina! As with every year, here's a new year quote:

May all your troubles last as long as your New Year's resolutions! -- Joey Adams

That is one more reason NOT to make a new year resolution! The year started with my second semester at NC State, then an internship at Qualcomm in San Diego and then a feverish third semester. Of course with four courses in the last semester, it was bound to be meteoric! After a laborious one-and-half years, here I am with a Master's degree in Computer Engineering. It is so satisfying to see the hard work reflected on the degree :) It really feels strange though, when I think that I no longer have projects, assignments, exams! The very next day after my exams ended I followed the routine to check the course webpage for any new projects/assignments. It was then that I realized that my MS is over and I've graduated! It's a strange feeling... no project deadlines, no exams to study for, no lectures! This year I was also able to complete my article on MS in US. I am very happy to know that a number of Master's aspirants read the article and were benefitted from it. They even gave feedback about it.

There are other things that I'm thankful for. A full-time position with Qualcomm's GPU team is one of them. I now enter a new phase in life - the corporate world - a job with Qualcomm's GPU team at San Diego, California. It's in sync with my area of specialization at NC State University - Computer Architecture. I begin work on January 11, 2010.

The other thing is that I could release version 1.0 of Mac4Lin and it turned out to be one of the most popular Linux posts of the year 2009 on Lifehacker! As with every new release of GNOME, something or the other breaks and I am now working on fixing that for Mac4Lin's next release. How can I forget that Mac4Lin was one in 85 projects out of 47,000-odd Opensource projects from around the world to be nominated for's Community Choice Awards 2009. It was at the third place in the category it was nominated for. Mac4Lin was also featured in the hugely popular ComputerWorld magazine.

Winter, this year in the US, has been harsh. Temperatures have always been in negative (deg. C) since the past week and are predicted to follow the trend. Winds are gusty and pierce right into your face. This makes the apparent temperature fall further. But I've bared this hostile weather to goto the theaters and watch movies! Avatar, 3 Idiots, Sherlock Holmes were some of the movies that I saw and liked. I've been enjoying my last few days in Raleigh, North Carolina. Malls, movies, shopping, roaming, clicking photos. Boy! What a memorable one and a half years it has been in this city! New year celebrations haven't been exactly as exciting as the last one, with just a dinner outside on a rainy New Year's eve; but I have no complaints since I wanted to welcome the new year in a peaceful and graceful manner.

I hope 2010 will be as eventful and exciting as 2009, for me and for everybody! As each year passes, it fills more pages in the book of life with experiences, happiness, sorrows. The key to a happy life is to read the book of life and learn from the text; leave behind the sorrows, put the experience to good use and thus fill the empty pages ahead with happiness. So long... Have a great year ahead. Happy New Year!


Rajendra said…
A nice post Anirudh. I liked especially the last few lines, it holds good for everybody. Good going keep it up. WISH YOU ALL THE BEST FOR THE FORTHCOMING EVENTS INCLUDING THE IMPORTANT ONE - WORKING FOR QUALCOMM.


Sandeep Khanna said…
Anirudh, Congratulations and Thank you for all your efforts in bringing the sophisticated Mac LookNFeel to the Linux desktop. What is best place to post issues and/or feature requests for Mac4Lin v1?

Specifically ...
1) Some buttons, especially the "Empty Trash" in Nautilus look very cramped and thus cheapish. Reminds me of some Mac GTK 1.x themes from years ago. As well as the application button hover highlighting should be more suttle and not so blaringly highlighting.
2) The Gnome screensaver overdoes it by applying the brushed theme all over the screen. Mac OS will show you a simple dialog with black background.
3) The installation script can be bundled as a distro-agnostic rpm or source rpm hence allowing all users and consequently the complete desktop being transformed into a Mac.
4) You can also include the instructions for installing and using the Gnome Deskbar applet to mimic the Mac OS Finder.

Thanks again and keep up the good work.
Anirudh Acharya said…
Hi Sandeep,

Thank you for the wishes :)

You can goto and goto the Forums/Bug tracker/Requests section to file bugs or request features.

All your suggestions are noted! :) I haven't been able to devote enough time since late last year to Mac4Lin on account of my graduate students and now due to my full-time job. But I will try to make the changes you've requested.

Meanwhile, if you know GTK you can contribute to the project too :) If you know HTML/CSS then you can help in the Mozilla themes which need some editing. The beauty of open source is truly realized when there are multiple contributors :)

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