VISA... its finally done!

I finally got my VISA! The interview at US Consulate in Chennai lasted for just about a minute. End of the day I was a happy guy :)

Also got my tickets booked. Leaving on 4th August, 2008.


Anonymous said…
All the best, Ani!
Try to keep in touch :)
Anirudh Acharya said…
Thanks, Rajbir. Sure.. where will I go leaving you all??? :)
Anonymous said…
Keep in touch ani bhiya.. (through digit forum/orkut/blogging/IMs).
And best of Luck!! :)
Anonymous said…
Congrats Ani Bro! All the best!

Hope this blog will help u a little..
Anirudh Acharya said…
^^^ Hey! Thanks for the link, man :)
Milind said…
Wow! Congrats man! Although I will take those congrats back if I don't see Uncle Aniruddh posting around on the forums.

And if you ever see Steve Jobs, just tell him Goobi says hi :)
Anirudh Acharya said…
Naah naah.. won't be leaving the forums for sure! Esp. now that you are a mod there.. haha...

And whats with this 'uncle' Anirudh??!! Damn.. people were right.. mods get away with anything and everything.. lol! :D
Anonymous said…
Hey, sorry, saw this blog entry now only.

Hearty Congrats. Very happy for you.

Keep in touch.

And ....

Just let me know when I should send the list :D (list of things you should send / bring from US )

lol, just kidding. Have a nice time.
Anirudh Acharya said…
Thank you :)

Lol.. you can send me the list next year, Din :D hehe...

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