I am happy to release Mac4Lin ver.1.0. I know it was long due. Was held up with my graduate school and work. Version 1.0 finally sees light! :) Changes: * Fully supports GNOME 2.26 and backwards compatible * Improved support for GlobalMenu, support integrated in the default GTK theme * Better native Xfce support * Icon additions * Statusbar is now fixed * New progress bars * New tabs * Improved installation and uninstallation scripts * Integrates well with Gloobus * Finer UI refinements * Metacity theme now supports different button sizes * Firefox 3 themes are now updated * Songbird plugins included * Pidgin AWN 64bit plugin now included * Fonts are now consolidated * Transparent top panel * GDM theme is now in-line with Mac OS X login window * Cairo dock is the default recommended dock Issues: * Usplash is still buggy * Thunderbird theme is still buggy * GDM theme is not automatically set by the script Screenshots: 1) Mac4Lin Desktop, NOTE:Apple logo is NOT bundled with Mac4Lin Quic...
My iTouch looked drab. It was screaming for a new UI, a new fresh face and so I got to work! Once a UI developer always a UI developer (no matter what platform :D). I took iNav and modded it to my liking - integrating widgets, editing the main menu, revamping the dock among numerous other things. I present you the iNav ANi Remix! Haf a look at the pics floating around this post. Kudos to the base iNav :) This UI has been customized for iPod Touch, however by placing the Phone and Text/SMS icons this interface can be converted to an iPhone UI. For those of you who dunno how to install it, I'm gonna quote the procedure. I'm too lazy to type :P Btw, before you proceed make sure you haf a jailbroken iPhone/iTouch for this (obviously!). If you are comfortable with SSH'ing into your device and uploading files then don't bother reading this tutorial! :D [Guide] iPhone/iPod Touch with 2.2.1 Firmware (Tested, might work with older firmware) Categories V2.23 (Tested, Might Work ...
Mac4Lin is back! This is the version 1.0 Release Candidate. Some components are still under development. Currently the shell script is not able to set the GDM theme, cursor theme, sounds, emerald theme. They need to be manually set. Also components like Firefox3, Thunderbird theme, awn theme/plugins etc. are still under development. The Mozilla themes may not be stable. Hence use the non-core components of Mac4Lin at your own risk. Documentation is still in the pipeline. I decided to release the RC anyway so that patrons can start using it and update to the stable version when development is complete. Whats new: Mac4Lin v1.0 RC - 9th September, 2008 New! Automated Installer in the form of a shell script New GDM theme Supports the newest version of GNOME and Xfce New Mozilla themes specifically built for Mac4Lin Adium style AWN status icons for Pidgin Mac style scrollbars, menus Other tweaks in GTK theme Adium sounds for Pidgin New usplash Keeping up the tradition I'm including the ...
Try to keep in touch :)
Keep in touch ani bhiya.. (through digit forum/orkut/blogging/IMs).
And best of Luck!! :)
Hope this blog will help u a little.. http://www.namaste-us.com/
And if you ever see Steve Jobs, just tell him Goobi says hi :)
And whats with this 'uncle' Anirudh??!! Damn.. people were right.. mods get away with anything and everything.. lol! :D
Hearty Congrats. Very happy for you.
Keep in touch.
And ....
Just let me know when I should send the list :D (list of things you should send / bring from US )
lol, just kidding. Have a nice time.
Lol.. you can send me the list next year, Din :D hehe...